Tuesday, 12 November 2013

DPS analysis

 This is another double page spread for a pop magazine.
They have used a red, white and black colour scheme across the 2 pages and Justin's outfit also fits in with these colours. I think this is why they have used a long shot so that he links the pages together well. I can see two red banners across the page, these pull together the pages, making it a double page spread.
The headline is also a pull quote, which automatically makes the reader feel engaged with the article. The pose of the model and the fact that he is looking directly into the camera also engages the reader and makes them feel involved with what's going on.
They have their signature jagged line feature at the top which makes the magazine recognisable for the reader.
By posing the model on a white background, he fits in really well with the style of the rest of the page, and could make the reader feel like he's really there on the page with them. He is a young boy, which teenage girls find appealing so i will try to take this into consideration when choosing my models.

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