I found this double page spread, it isn't for a pop magazine but i wanted to see what differences between genre there were.
Straight away i can see that the overall look of the page is darker and more mature. They have used the same red, white ad black colour scheme as one of the pop DPS's that i analysed, but they've focused a lot more heavily on the black, which will appeal to a different audience.
They've used a drop capital at the start of the article, which is conventionally used in magazines, and works really well here because it ties it together with the lead.
The model is posed across both pages, which again brings together the whole article and clarifies that it is definitely about her. The pose, hair and makeup of the model are giving off an "I don't care", dark sort of attitude, which is the opposite of what I am looking for in my models.
In the headline they have used 2 different fonts and colours for the words. The "Wild" might have been done in this scratched out, handwriting font to show the wildness of Taylor. Then the "Child" has been done in a bold, white, san-serif font. This contrasts the black background and is the first word people see because it's the biggest and most noticeable. This could be because she's most known as a child actress in "The Grinch" and she's trying to break away from this reputation.
There are 2 columns in the article and the font is very small. This suggests to me that it is targeting an older, more mature audience than teen pop, because older teens/ young adults will be more likely to want to read the article without so many visuals.
The model has half her face covered by her hair, which suggests mystery and that there is more to her than sees the eye. For my pop magazine i will be looking to pose my model completely differently so that they're clean cut and the reader can see their face, making them feel involved.
This DPS doesn't have a border to link the pages, i think this is because it would go against the conventions of this grungy look and make it look too cluttered.
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