Thursday, 27 February 2014

Evaluation Q2

I used colloquial language on my magazine pages to represent young modern teenagers. By using direct address, "girlies" I have also made the reader feel involved which is conventional of a pop genre. "+ juicy goss!" is something you may hear my target audience saying everyday, so this appeals to them as it is like talking to a friend which is what my target audience are looking for in a magazine. I used young pop terminology such as "jam-packed" and "celeb gossip".

I used this pink colour on my
contents page as this represents
females, and Pop World is
                                                         heavily female orientated so
 hopefully by using pink, we are able to attract and represent our target audience of 12-16 year old girls.

This is the lipstick my model was wearing on the front cover shoot. By wearing bright pink lipstick, she is representing the pop culture and it's audiences. The pink lips and red dress also ties in with the pink and red house style running throughout the magazine.

I also used lips for a pull quote on my DPS. This is typically very girly and young, which represents my audience. It also ties in with my models bright lips on the front cover.

By using buzz words such as "WIN" and "EXCLUSIVE", I can immediately draw in my audience. This type of language represents young people as excitable, and the pop culture as the stereotypical fun and bouncy.

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